31/52: Left Foot, Right Foot and a new Cub

A portrait of my children once a week, every week in 2014

Noah: finally the moment you have been waiting for the past couple of months, being officially invested into Cubs. You'd learnt the Cub Promise and Cub Law off by heart ages ago, so you didn't miss a beat reciting them to your leader. And you're super excited about the fact you WILL get to go to your first Cub Camp in September since we've managed to swing it that Mylo's party is later on the Sunday afternoon. A weekend sleeping in a tent with a whole lot of rowdy other kids sounds terrifying to me, but heavenly to you! Let's hope it doesn't rain all weekend!

Mylo: you'd been asking for WEEKS when the next term of Little Dribblers was going to start. You've been hanging out for it since having last term off with the logistics of trying to get both you and Noah to football at the same time in different locations each week proved too difficult. You said you'd quite like to get a hat-trick, but we said just to have fun and do your best, and the rest would naturally follow. You did get right royally stuck in though right from the kick-off, and managed to score with both your left and right foot. Go you good thing!

And last week when your daycare held a Commonwealth Games tournament, you cleaned up most of the Gold Medals in shotput, backwards running, long jump and running. It sure helps being the oldest boy at daycare, but let's not overlook the fact that you also have great hand-eye co-ordination and a natural sporting ability. Less than 7 weeks to go till school now!